
Rui is Xochitl Huitzilihuitl and Scaramouche's firstborn son. Rui is the polar opposite of his father. (in everything but height lmao) Quiet, soft-spoken, shy around strangers, and would probably cry if anyone was the slightest bit harsh to him. He’s a lil guy who just sorta wanders by his father’s side, ducking behind his dad whenever an unfamiliar person comes near. Rui is very much a daddy’s boy. Even though Scara is… Scara, he’s always gentle with Rui and he’s very protective of him. A late bloomer in terms of tonatiuhcoatl, his markings only started coming in a few years after he was born and his horns have yet to appear. Even though he’s shy around strangers, once Rui is comfortable with others, he shows his mischievous and energetic side. Even though he doesn’t talk much, he’s a giggly and hyper boy. He’s also very curious about the world which when combined with his quiet nature, means he has a habit of slipping away whenever you take your eyes off him (much to Scara’s dismay, he cares a lot about his boy and usually has an internal heart attack whenever he suddenly dips because he wanted to chase after a rabbit)

Basic Info

Name!!: Rui

Age!!: 12

Race!!: Half-Prototype God and Half-Tonatiuhcoatl

Birthday!!: January 6th

Pronouns!!: He/They

Gender!!: Male

Vision!!: None

Weapon!!: None

